does anyone else get sick from eating iceberg lettuce? from eating meat? from using gel shampoo and soap? Seems like there are more and more things my body tells me are not good...

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Yes! But it's not as simple as that. For instance, was the iceberg lettuce treated with a pesticide or certain fertilizers? If so, was it effectively cleaned of those chemicals? I don't eat iceberg lettuce anymore because it often gives me problems.

Meat: Does it have spices other than salt and black pepper? Is it cooked in any kind of seed oil? There are always chemicals in seed oils. Also, beef is the safest meat. I can't eat chicken or pork. All chicken in the US is processed using a chlorinated process. There is ALWAYS residue. Unless you find a local grower who actually processes their own.

Gel Shampoo soap? Yes!!

Pay attention as you have to your symptoms as you have been, and focus on one thing at a time.

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So you’re saying it’s actually the actual real effects, not ‘side effects’. I see what you did there 😜

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Yep! In all cases it is actually the real effects, but of course the manufacturers and Modern Allopathic Medicine call them "Side" Effects. And of course the "benefits" always outweigh the risks (AKA "Side Effects")!

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Right on! It's just so hard to tease apart the additives and chemicals in our food. MSG activist Jack Samuels, who was amazingly sensitive to any form of free glutamate, found he could eat certain foods, such as cheese and poultry when he traveled to other countries, especially France. Of course, by now these countries have probably caught up with our chemical methods of food production. But it does prove your point, he indeed could eat these foods, just not with an added list of additives and whatever else is dumped into it. Great piece!

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Thanks Linda! I honestly believe that most people are so used to feeling bad, that they don’t notice when the feel worse when they eat something.

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