Ageddon, I've never been able to drink coffee except for super-rare occasions, and there's always been some sort of negative consequence even on the best of days. I'm sorry to hear it's the same for you. Thanks for the details on the types of processing.

Can't remember if we discussed this or not, but have you ever tried brain-retraining? I'm moving away from seeing MfGs and other additives as actually responsible for the immune-system response of MCAS. That's rather caused by a conditioned response of the amygdala, insula, and central nervous system that in people like me is an overstimulated, too-vigilant response. This is not to deny that MfGs and other excitotoxins aren't problematic triggers that likely cause long-term damage and chronic illness. But it does help to begin the process of neuroplasticity retraining, which I'm hopeful will yield more lasting relief. In short, while I'll continue to avoid these toxins in our foods, I believe our reactions are essentially due to a loop in the brain that we can retrain. I have no affiliation with this program other than undergoing it myself, but if you're interested, here you go: https://guptaprogram.com/

I wish you health and happiness.

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I wonder if it's possible to buy whole beans processed using the dry method? Yes, I really like coffee, but only in the morning. After that it tastes like poison!

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May 4Liked by Ageddon

Thanks for the info on Starbucks. I've tasted their hideously over-roasted junk maybe 2 or 3 times and never could stand the stuff becuase it's roasted to the point of bitterness. I suspect it's because they must have a consistendy of flavor and that can only be obtained by buying low quality beans and roasting them so there's not trace of origin flavors. Give the slop a fancy name like "Vienna" Roast and yer on the way to big bucks.

Even worse, as you point out are the additves which add injury to insult.

This is typical of corporate products so I'm not surprised and a good guidline in the interest of health and safety is to consider anything offered by big capital as garbage at best and a trap at least.

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