You probably already know this but oysters are one of the highest sources of B12. I buy the little tins of smoked oysters and have a few daily. Question: have you been tested for the gene mutation MTHFR? It often causes low folate and B12 and high homocysteine. You can have either one or two mutated genes. One is not as serious and somewhat common. It's the people who have two mutated genes who have the most trouble with folate and B12. I have the two genes, unfortunately.

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Hi Leslie. Thanks for the input! I did already know that oysters are high in B12, but thanks for bringing it up. Helps educate others. Same with MTHFR gene issue. I have been tested and fortunately negative. Sorry to hear you have to deal with it. It makes a relatively simple problem more complex. Hopefully you have a physician that truly understands it. If not, I suspect your own drive to get better is driving you to learn what you need to. As I like to say, no-one has a more vested interest in your health than you!

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